24 October 2022
AT the invitation of Electoral Commission of South Africa and the Association of World Election Bodies (A-WEB) South Africa, a delegation led by U Thein Soe, Chairman of the Union Election Commission (UEC), attended the 5th General Assembly held in Cape Town, South Africa from 17 to 22 October, and returned to Yangon by air yesterday.
UEC members U Than Tun, U Aung Saw Win, U Saw Ba Hlaing, U Aung Lwin Oo, U Ko Ko Lwin, and officials of Yangon Region Election Sub-Commission welcomed back the delegation at the Yangon International Airport.
The UEC Chairman and party, more than 140 representatives from electoral organizations from 63 countries, South African Electoral Commission and A-WEB officials attended the General Assembly.
The former General Assembly president from Indian UEC handed over the A-WEB flag to the newly assigned president from South African UEC.
Voting and confirmation for the appointment of the upcoming A-WEB vice president country and Executive Board Members were also conducted.
Also, “Safeguarding Election Management Bodies in the Age of Global Democratic Recession” was discussed with five topics.
The good practice of democracy in elections in different countries, action to help promote good practices, the role of electoral management bodies in a democratic system, conditions to be able to cooperate for high progress were also discussed.
A-WEB and attendees had a chance to observe the electoral processes supervised by electoral bodies, cultural heritage of South Africa and landmarks.