14 January 2023
Over 70,000 local and foreign visitors came to Ngapali Beach in Thandwe Township in Rakhine State within one year of 2022, according to an official from Hotels and Tourism Directorate of Rakhine State.
Ngapli Beach received a total of 76,862 visitors including 75,166 locals and 1,695 foreigners in 2022. Rakhine State attracted 162,147 local visitors and 10,233 foreigners, totaling 272,380.
The visitor arrivals in Ngapali Beach increased to 76,862 in 2022, in comparison with the same period of last year. The number of visitors was 28,535 in 2021.
There are 102 hotels in Rakhine State and 68 hotels and guest houses in Ngapali Beach. Currently, 51 hotels and guest houses are opened under COVID-19 rules and regulations.
Rakhine State possesses many beautiful beaches, and the famous Ngapali Beach is situated in Thandwe Township. Visitors from local and abroad came to Rakhine State to enjoy the natural beauties of the pristine beaches.